Sermonette: Manifesting Authority


Given 18-Oct-08; 19 minutes


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Authority can be defined as "the right to give orders," but also, "the power to obtain cooperation or obedience of others without resorting to force or physical restraint." Authority is disappearing in our Western democracies, replaced by political correctness and authoritarian dictatorship and mob tyranny. A democracy built on the mass opinion of the people is a structure built on sand and will disappear in the confusion of anarchy. We need to rely on God Almighty as our authority. Only a structure built on the foundation of God's law will not have to be torn down and replaced. All of mankind's political structures will be destroyed, replaced by God's permanent Kingdom. In today's hodgepodge of political systems, none will last longer than 100 years; mankind cannot correct his steps. Only the Bible explains the absolute failure of mankind's political systems. Autonomy is not our business. The key to the success of man's ability to govern is the total submission to God and His law. The Israel of God is the only venue where God's law is practiced.

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