Sermonette: The Upper Room
Preparing for the Passover
Bill Onisick
Given 29-Mar-08; 18 minutes
description: (hide) Where we place our focus determines what we ultimately will become. Christ made preparations for the final Passover with His disciples nearly 1,400 hundred years in advance. As the disciples prepared for the Passover, they had to rely on the providence of Almighty God, faithfully following a man carrying water into a house where they would ask the owner for a spacious guest room in which they would keep the Passover, an event predestined from the foundation of the world. Like the disciples, we are to submit to God's power giving us the power to will and to do, reflecting on Christ's intense focus and desire to keep the Passover. Like Christ's disciples, we end-time disciples must desire to have an intimate relationship with Christ, realizing our sins were responsible for His death. As we examine ourselves, we must realize that even though God has already done the heavy lifting, we are required to do our small part.