Sermonette: The Preparation Day

Receiving the Gift of the Sabbath

Given 01-Mar-08; 16 minutes


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God, as a part of His providence, gave us the preparation day to prepare for the Sabbath. The preparation day is intended to allow people to make sure that mundane activities do not interfere with the holy time set apart for ingesting our spiritual manna, namely Jesus Christ. We should be purposely gathering our thoughts, focusing in on what life is all about on the preparation day, making sure we are totally focused on the manna from heaven on the Sabbath. The Passover is the preparation day for the Days of Unleavened Bread. Part of the preparation day is to distinguish between the spiritually living and dead. The Sabbath constitutes liberation from spiritual captivity and a reminder that God continues His spiritual creation, made possible by proper application of the preparation day.

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