Sermonette: Understanding and Wisdom

Wisdom and Righteousness are Fruits of a Process

Given 28-Jul-07; 19 minutes


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Solomon did not expressly request wisdom, but instead requested understanding, which would lead to the accumulation of wisdom upon gathering or accumulating knowledge, letting it simmer through meditation and applying it through real time experiences. Proverbs is a practical book, giving advice about skill in living, including proper respect for authority, choice of friends, and principles of success. Knowledge, understanding and wisdom leads to righteousness and ultimately knowing God and attaining eternal life. This formula for success does not come without battling carnal nature and battling the diversions of this world. The seeker of wisdom must expend extraordinary energy and diligence. Considering that wisdom is also personified as a woman, one must pursue her as a suitor pursues his fiancée, esteeming her as having great value, having a great sense of responsibility in this pursuit. By applying diligence, wisdom will accrue.

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