Passover: Passover Service 2007


Given 01-Apr-07; 50 minutes


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Passover represents reconciliation and peace between mankind and God as well as mankind with mankind, an event marked by sacrifice, ushering in spiritual liberty. In this typical Passover service, the appropriate scripture are read delineating: (1) the foot-washing, demonstrating the humility needed to take the Passover, (2) the partaking of the bread, symbolic of Christ's broken body, and (3) the partaking of wine, symbolic of Christ's shed blood. Following the partaking of wine, the scriptures are read relating the last intimate words Jesus had with His disciples, including the admonition to love one another, the promise of the Comforter, the admonition to bear spiritual fruit, and the admonition to endure persecution and trials patiently. Jesus then prays for the protection and sanctification of His disciples then and now. After this prayer, Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn before going out into the Mount of Olives.

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