Seven annual holy days, like the weekly Sabbath, were ordained by God and commanded to be observed as holy convocations by His people. Both His covenant people Israel and the New Testament Israel of God, the church, observed them. Jesus and His apostles kept them, and they are prophesied to be kept after Christ's return. The holy days are Sabbaths but may fall on any day of the week. If one falls on the weekly Sabbath, the holy day takes precedence. Each festival has special meaning, depicting an important step in God's plan for man, and the teaching on that day centers on its meaning to God's purpose. The festivals and holy days are Passover, a festival but not a holy day; the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, with the first and last being holy days; Pentecost; Trumpets; Atonement; the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles, with the first being a holy day; and the Last Great Day.

Scripture References:

Exodus 12:1-17; 23:14-17; Leviticus 23:4-44; Matthew 26:17-18; John 7:1-39; 13:1-17; Acts 2:1; 18:21; 20:16; I Corinthians 5:7-8; 16:8; Ezekiel 45:17-25; Zechariah 14:16-19

From the Library: Holy Days

Holy Days: God's Plan in the Holy Days

Bible Study by Staff

Leviticus 23 not only reveals God's holy days—it also provides, in symbol form, a detailed schematic of God's plan.

Does Paul Condemn Observing God's Holy Days?

'Ready Answer' by Earl L. Henn

Galatians 4:9-10 is a favorite crutch of those who claim Christians no longer need to observe God's holy days. However, Paul's meaning is quite different.

Are God's Holy Days To Be Kept Today?

Sermon/Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

If we do not keep God's holy days, we will deprive ourselves of the knowledge of God's purpose. Jesus and the first century church observed and upheld these days.

Holy Days: Feast of Tabernacles

Bible Study by Staff

The Feast of Tabernacles is a type of the Millennium, when Christ will set up His government on the earth. Real peace and prosperity will be the norm.

Are the Sabbath and Holy Days Done Away?

'Ready Answer' by Earl L. Henn

In order to justify not keeping the Sabbath, many use Colossians 2:16-17 as proof that Paul did not command it. Here is what they are overlooking.

Holy Days: Passover

Bible Study by Earl L. Henn

Passover may be the most important festival ordained by God. Not only does it memorialize Christ's death, it also symbolizes our redemption and the covenant.

Holy Days: Pentecost

Bible Study by Earl L. Henn

The late spring Feast of Pentecost shows the harvest of firstfruits, God's church. It is a continual reminder of our part in God's plan!

The Spring Holy Days

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

We need to probe into the deeper meaning of the Spring holy days more than we have previously because God's wisdom is unsearchable.

For more resources, please see the library topic for Holy Days